Barber Custom Hair Unit FAQs
How do I book a haircut appointment with HEADCHEF, the Barber? 
To book a hair cut with CHEF, please click where it says BOOK NOW.
Where is the CHEF’S KITCHEN? 

To request more information about THE CHEF’S UNIT SERVICES, please email LAMARVELOUSCUTS@GMAIL.COM
How do I make a Hair Unit Appointment?
To book an appointment, FILL OUT YOUR CONTACT INFO. If you have alopecia, please email us with pictures of your hair currently BEFORE you book your appointment.
What is a custom hair unit?
A custom hair unit, commonly referred to as a “man weave,” is a hair extension for men who are thinning or experiencing hair loss due to aging, alopecia or an illness such as cancer or lupus etc.
How does the hair unit stay in place?
A protectant, and an adhesive made for hair, is used to keep the unit in place.
How long does the process take?
The process takes 2 to 3 hours. If you are traveling please allow and plan enough time just in case there may be some delays with the schedule.
Where is CHEF located/which shop do you do the units?
All units are done at my PRIVATE location by appointment only. 4088 CHARLES HARDY PARKWAY DALLAS GA 30157
Do the units come in different colors?
The 2-4 week units are available in a few different color options and other units come in mainly 1 which is jet black or 1b which is black brown. We also have salt and pepper units available for mainly the 2-4 week and the 4-6 month options. To discuss color options, please email your color and unit request to LAMARVELOUSCUTS@GMAIL.COM before booking your appointment. There are some 4-6 month units that can be colored.
Is an in-person consultation possible or required?
We do offer in-person consultations. To schedule an appointment, please EMAIL ME or use my SCHEDULING HERE ON MY SITE AS WELL. Be prepared to upload 3 pictures of your hair currently (front, back and side poses) and your desire style from the Online Hair Gallery. If you have alopecia, please email us with pictures of your hair currently BEFORE you book your appointment.
Are loc/braid/twist and long hair unit options available?
At this time, we do offer units in those styles.
How long do the units last?
We have four different types of units. The 2-4 week unit, 3-5 week units, 4-6 months and the cost is depending on the style you select. We also offer a frontal synthetic fill-in unit that lasts 2–3 week. This option is recommended for clients who only need to bring their line forward.
Should I purchase and supply my own hair?
We provide everything you need at the appointment.
Can I get the unit wet (e.g., exercising, shower, rain, etc.)?
You can perform your daily activities with the hair unit, including exercising; however, we do not recommend excessive exposure to water. The more exposure to water, the loser the unit will become (this includes sweating).
Can the unit be taken off, washed, and reapplied?
Only the 4-6 month unit options can be removed and reapplied at your next TOUCH UP appointment with HEADCHEF, the Barber.
How do I maintain the unit if I live in a different state and cannot travel to THEHEADCHEF regularly?
When you arrive for your appointment, we will show you how to maintain the style and answer any questions you have. Home maintenance instructions are sent via email when you book your appointment for you use.
Can I get a regular shape up with the hair unit?
Yes, you can still get a regular shape up as often as needed to maintain the style.
Is a deposit required to make an appointment?
Yes we require a nonrefundable deposit of half the payment in order to secure hair unit appointments.
I have Alopecia and/or I’m completely bald; how do I book my appointment? 
Please send 3 photos of your hair currently (front, back and side poses) to LAMARVELOUSCUTS@GMAIL.COM so we can first evaluate your area of recession. Please send your desired style from the Online Gallery.
If I need to cancel or reschedule, what happens to my deposit? 
You can reschedule by calling 678-510-8910 or cancel via the link in your confirmation email. Please note that all deposits are nonrefundable. To avoid losing your deposit, you must contact us to reschedule within 72 hours of your appointment.
Are the units human hair?
The 2-4 week units are synthetic and the 4-6 month units are 100% human hair.
Is there a cancellation list?
Yes. To be added, please email us.

Where can I find out more information about the class (upcoming dates and locations, and how to register)?
You can see and register for all Hair Unit Classes via
How much is it to attend the Hair Unit Class?
$650 per person. There is a $100 nonrefundable deposit required which goes toward the final balance.
Do you have to have a license to take the Hair Unit Class?
No, but please check your local state licensing requirements for operating as a barber or with Hair Unit installations to ensure you’re well informed.
Does the online class provide the same information and certificate of completion as the in-person class?
Yes, the information is all the same. To register for the online class visit The online class pricing is broken down in levels on the website.
Do I need to bring a model or tools to the in-person class?
No, everything you need will be provided on the day of class. However, If you are doing a one on one training with HEADCHEF 
you will need to bring your clippers, tools and a live model unless otherwise discussed prior to.
If I miss a class that I've paid for, or want to switch to another class, can I do that?
Yes your allowed to reschedule one time. Please contact to do so.
When is the remainder of the registration fee due?
At the class (cash, cashapp or credit card — no checks, please). If you’d like to pay in advance, you may arrange it by emailing (please notate who the balance is for).
Will I learn where to purchase the units or receive a certificate of completion for the class? 
Yes, both are provided for the class.
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